IThe One Economy Foundation (ONE) will host its 6th fundraising dinner series on Thursday, 14 October and Thursday, 28 November 2021 respectively. This year’s dinners will be held under the theme ‘Celebrating Transcendence’.
Six years since the Foundation’s inception, ONE will reflect, share lessons learned and nuances of effecting social change in Namibia and beyond. In particular, the importance of opening space for new ideas, trusting beneficiaries to determine what is best for them and the value of smart partnerships and collaborating with others.
“Building on the success of our previous fundraising gala dinners, the 2021 Fundraiser Dinner promises to be nothing short of spectacular. The dinner will be a fun-filled evening that includes exhilarating entertainment and networking. The gala dinner will bring to prominence the importance of cross-sector collaboration, public-private partnerships, and silo-busting as critical success factors in tackling social issues and effecting transformative change” according to the CEO Sem Mandela Uutoni.
The events will be held in a COVID-compliant, yet entertaining, safe and engaging manner in order to protect the health of our guests. The dinner tickets are available for purchase and have been priced to maximize fundraising potential. The tickets will cost N$2,000.00 per person, with a table of eight costing N$16,000.00.
The proceeds from the ticket sales coupled with those from the pledges will enable us to raise capital for the implementation of our programmes in the following thematic areas Education, Health, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, Youth Development, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development.
Considering that all preceding dinners have been completely sold out and that the number of tables have been significantly reduced, the Foundation encourages early purchasing of tickets. Stakeholders who are unable to attend the fundraising dinners, but would like to make a donation, should contact the CEO.
If you would like to join us for dinner, please let us know of your preferred date and number of tickets at +264612707806 or ceo@1economy.org.
