As a youth-focused organization, the One Economy Foundation “ONE” recognizes the critical role of innovation and youth entrepreneurship in stimulating local economic development. In line with the ethos of investing in the growth of micro-entrepreneurs, ONE hosted a two-day Masterclass from 23-24 April 2021 in Ongwediva under the theme “Building capacity, transforming businesses and improving socio-economic outcomes.”

The training was attended by 19 youth micro-entrepreneurs from Oshana, Oshikoto, Ohangwena and Omusati regions respectively. The Masterclass strengthened the capacity, confidence, networks and capital of youth micro-entrepreneurs, thereby better positioning them to build sustainable, impactful and profitable businesses.
The entrepreneurs benefited from an array of business skills development sessions, including market research, design thinking, financing opportunities, mental health, marketing and scaling and growth strategies. The entrepreneurs also received information on how to leverage international trade opportunities and harness partnerships to strengthen and sustain their businesses.
The highlight of the training was an exhilarating pitch competition where 10 micro-entrepreneurs battled it out for exciting cash prizes. After an intense round of pitches and questions, Wilbard Wilhem, founder of Shityeni Trading Cc (manufacturing sector) emerged as the pitch competition winner and Gabriel Shilongo, owner of Okalongo Vegetable Supplies (agricultural sector) as the runner-up. The winners walked away with N$15,000.00 & N$10,000.00 cash prizes & business mentoring.
The main aim of the Masterclass was to build personal and business competencies of participants, connect them with service providers and leverage shared lessons to accelerate business growth and socio-economic outcomes.
The participants noted that the Masterclass was very informative and empowering as it created a platform for the creation of business networks, exchange of knowledge, sharing of experience and success stories between the micro-entrepreneurs and the facilitators.
One Economy Foundation is confident that with these added learnings, networks and capital, entrepreneurs will sail the tide and transcend some of the challenges they may encounter.